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Projected opening date Summer 2022

Independent Living

“Behaviors exhibited while in foster care also predicted whether young people became homeless. Specifically, running away more than once and engaging in delinquency both increased the odds of homelessness.”

— U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Policy Development 


A homeless person is defined as an individual without a permanent address. If a person is floating from friend to friend, he or she can be kicked out at any time and can’t be sure of a place to sleep, eat, or shower from one day to the next. Of course, homelessness also includes living on the streets, staying in a shelter or mission, sleeping in an abandoned building or in a car. Having no long-term address is a serious problem when comes time to fill out job and school applications or sign up for services. It is a barrier to success after foster care.

All-1-Residences provides transitional housing for All-1-Family’s youth.  The supervised group living provides housing for youth ages 16-21 experiencing homelessness while they finish high school, work 10-20 hours per week (banking 65% of their earnings), and make the transition to self-sufficiency.  This model provides a home-like environment with each site housing 18-24 youth.


Our housing models provide:
*  Independent living skills training on topics such as financial literacy, household maintenance, and health education
*  Employment and educational support
*  Counseling, therapeutic recreation, and individual case management

Typically, youth will begin in our Emergency Shelter, transfer to the supervised group living if family reunification isn't possible, and move into scattered-site housing within the  program during their last 6 months in the program.  However, there is no prescribed path and youth may exit and re-enter different housing models as needs or abilities change.

All-1-Residences would give our youth the opportunity to learn to adjust to adulthood outside of the foster program.  Our goal is to have an 80% transition into completely independent living within 6-18 months.  Each facility will have an operational cost of $15,000 per year with the majority of the staffing being on a volunteer/intern basis from a database of individuals that have been compiled over the past 24 months.  All staff will complete their orientation prior to interacting with the program youth.    

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© 2016 All-1-Family, Inc. 

Neighborhood Church,

1561 McLendon Avenue Northeast, Atlanta, GA, 303007

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