January's Tea
LGBTQ Affirming Mental Health Therapist; Income based Mental Health therapist; Sliding Scale Mental Health Therapist

Too Masculine to be pregnant?
I am masculine identified African American lesbian that is in the process of having a child. I know with that one sentence you have a lot...

Complacency vs. Comfort: What's the Difference?
Complacent' is defined (courtesy of dictionary.com) as 'self-satisfaction, often without the awareness of potential danger or defect.'...

Let's Take Bulling by the Horns
“Fag!” “Queer!” “Dyke!” “Tranny” How many of us have heard these words being used to belittle someone else? *look around to see who...

Removing the "T"
I have recently had several conversation about the new push to remove the T for LGBTQ acronym. I haven't yet come to a conclusion as to...

Labeling the Boxes
My first few years in elementary school I learned everything that was suppose to describe me were words next to a box that I was told to...

Having Thanks for Thanksgiving
Many of us enter into this holiday session with great excitement and happiness, but I don't want us to forget that some of our youth...